About Marcel Ray Duriez

About myself and my work and lifetime achievements.

Name: Marcel Ray Duriez
https://duriez19.wixsite.com/marcelrayduriez https://tinyurl.com/newlooknevaeh https://tinyurl.com/mostsongs

Now stated by using the character calculator online character count tool said that Nevaeh all novels are characters with and without space 28,827,000 and the words at this time is 5,765,400, and the pages are at 23062, and that would be around right. Book pages are at 5 inches by 8 inches. 8.5 inches x 12 inches one side print of print paper computer sheet paper would state in the printing of a manuscript, a line is 9,411 sheets of typing paper, each sheet page length is about 12 inches long, or 1 foot. Thus if each page was laid end to end it would be 1.739 miles of pages or manuscript. Kilometers are 2.799, centimeters are 279958.8, Meters are 2799.588, 110220 inches, and 3061.667 yards are the full length of Golden Gate Bridge. Contains characters or 28,827,000 (each letter counts as one character. Spaces are also counted, as one character each). The words are 5,765,400 stated by "the character calculator online character count tool." Pages with Nevaeh, 23,062, Estimated paragraphs, 87,961. ISBN via USA copywriter office for all 'Nevaeh' novels ISBN 9781987077711 document TX 9-079-700. The 'Nevaeh' series by Marcel Ray Duriez, the 'Worlds Records,' 'Longest Novel.' Duriez authored the first volume of his 78 and counting volume masterwork from published from 2012 to 2021 as one novel. Nevaeh-the thoughtful look of a young girl, facing pain as she bares her soul. The book opens with, Nevaeh is a 14-year-old girl living in Pennsylvania at the start of this story around the 2000s. "Nevaeh". Duriez produced the first volume of his 78-volume masterpiece in 2021 (it was first published in 2021). Books come in paperback and ebook worldwide distribution with Barnes and Noble Press https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/%22Nevaeh%20Saga%22?Ntk=P_Series_Title&Ns=P_Series_Number&Ntx=mode+matchall This is the link is what you were given. Do look at this link, and do pass the record you have in the above the same link showcasing everything asked. https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/nevaeh-saga-synopsis-marcel-ray-duriez/1137958682;jsessionid=229984698A209EF9B900C6B6095A5937.prodny_store01-atgap17?ean=9781663580498 https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/nevaeh-longest-novel-ebook-marcel-ray-duriez/1140160023;jsessionid=229984698A209EF9B900C6B6095A5937.prodny_store01-atgap17?ean=2940162437024 1 https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/nevaeh-walking-the-halls-marcel-ray-duriez/1131691423;jsessionid=229984698A209EF9B900C6B6095A5937.prodny_store01-atgap17?ean=9781078779807 2 https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/nevaeh-the-forbidden-touches-marcel-ray-duriez/1131691511?ean=9781987077742 3 https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/nevaeh-the-lusting-sapphire-blue-eyes-marcel-ray-duriez/1131691874;jsessionid=229984698A209EF9B900C6B6095A5937.prodny_store01-atgap17?ean=9781987077858 4 https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/nevaeh-the-miracle-marcel-ray-duriez/1131733617;jsessionid=229984698A209EF9B900C6B6095A5937.prodny_store01-atgap17?ean=9781666270037 5 https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/nevaeh-the-cursed-marcel-ray-duriez/1131732767;jsessionid=229984698A209EF9B900C6B6095A5937.prodny_store01-atgap17?ean=9781987078725 6 https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/nevaeh-struggle-with-affections-marcel-ray-duriez/1131753544;jsessionid=229984698A209EF9B900C6B6095A5937.prodny_store01-atgap17?ean=9781666274974 7 https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/nevaeh-falling-too-you-marcel-ray-duriez/1131778509;jsessionid=229984698A209EF9B900C6B6095A5937.prodny_store01-atgap17?ean=9781987080292 8 https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/nevaeh-young-taboo-marcel-ray-duriez/1131791827;jsessionid=229984698A209EF9B900C6B6095A5937.prodny_store01-atgap17?ean=9781987080797 9 https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/nevaeh-dreaming-of-you-play-with-me-marcel-ray-duriez/1131804105;jsessionid=229984698A209EF9B900C6B6095A5937.prodny_store01-atgap17?ean=9781987081275 10 https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/nevaeh-they-call-out-marcel-ray-duriez/1131815726;jsessionid=229984698A209EF9B900C6B6095A5937.prodny_store01-atgap17?ean=9781987081831 11 https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/nevaeh-a-void-she-cannot-feel-marcel-ray-duriez/1131857447;jsessionid=229984698A209EF9B900C6B6095A5937.prodny_store01-atgap17?ean=9781987082173 12 https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/nevaeh-hard-to-let-go-marcel-ray-duriez/1131936728;jsessionid=229984698A209EF9B900C6B6095A5937.prodny_store01-atgap17?ean=9781666274370 13 https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/nevaeh-going-in-and-out-marcel-ray-duriez/1131949008;jsessionid=229984698A209EF9B900C6B6095A5937.prodny_store01-atgap17?ean=9781987083033 14 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https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/nevaeh-scared-of-my-past-marcel-duriez/1138873987?ean=9781666252439 75 https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/nevaeh-perceptions-marcel-ray-duriez/1139439138?ean=9781666285574 76 https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/nevaeh-overshadows-of-grayson-marcel-ray-duriez/1139439193?ean=9781666284423 77 https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/nevaeh-broken-record-marcel-ray-duriez/1139747786?ean=9781668504932 Worlds Longest Novel by Marcel Ray Duriez Website: duriez19.wixsite.com/marcelrayduriez Website: About the Novels | Marcel Ray Duriez (wixsite.com) Mr. Marcel Ray Duriez, I personally am an author, a printed writer, drawer- specialized Artist, Engineer, Psychology-a background in Children's Manners, and English, and capable of getting undeveloped children into reading a story and pulling them in by my creation. topics, (as you can see on my website.) My life has balanced on self-analysis-with storytelling. Yet within the last year, I note most of my accomplishments. The book is made more tempting and captivating by the strong, epic vibes that breathe life and movement into the characters and scenes. The young ladies in the stories and the words they say in this complement me as the author beautifully and help young teens get into the reading habit and understand whom they are becoming as young adults.' Marcel is from North Barnesboro, Pennsylvania. Marcel's schools include Northern Cambria High School. I have over book 100 publications, over 400 artworks. Marcel was born in 1991, in Johnstown Pennsylvania the USA. "I am a Novelist author/ illustrator of all fiction types, and now non-fiction books also a children supporter in helping kids with starting to read, with his: fantasy-mystery-horror-even some emotional romance novels. I am a 5-star kids’ writer said readers’ favorites. I am known as the guy with the longest fantasy book series by the same author, holding a place in the world as the only one to do that." BEA/ Book Expo America book showing of Cuddles https://tinyurl.com/cuddlesbooks also was published in Lit fire Magazine for The Many Adventures of Cuddles. Holding Reader Favorites Awards 5 Star Seal in writing for the children's book. ​Now as of 2021 Over 110 books published 77 for the longest Novel in the world, called Nevaeh Saga 2.9 million words. Showcased in the press reports the Our Town, Star Courier, Web wire, WJAC, Achievement.org. Illustrator/ artist drawings www.duriez19.wixsite.com/marcelrayduriezart ​ Partnered with Parenting A Child with ADHD Support Group, displaying my book, The misunderstood, classification. Asexual ACES has combined with Mr. Duriez displaying the book, The ABCs of Asexuality backing findings and studies in the intent to help others. Also, with Have A Voice. Around the time of 2010 Engineering Technology (A.A.S.) I can do: Pennsylvania Highlands Community College Residential Planning, Engineering Technology Civil, Cadd, Architecture Program Description Undergraduate of Applied Science degree in Engineering Technology thus opportunities will exist with professional architects and engineers in the design, drafting, and layout of buildings, roads, and utilities. This program uses the Computer: Aided Drafting (CAD) and Computer and software I can facilitate the design and drafting of buildings and building components to include architecture, electrical, HVAC, plumbing (Architectural Track), and site work including, site plans, road layout, and utility design (Civil Track). Career Opportunities: ​Educational 1) Junior Designer CADD Technician 2) Survey CADD Technician/ Estimators 3) Architectural CADD Technician/CAD Operator 4) Building Inspectors 5) Structural Technician Parchments Transcripts 28 credits ​ Engineering Technology (A.A.S.) | marcelrayduriez (wixsite.com) ​ Around 2011 Studied for transformants credits at Mount Aloysius College, studied in writings of children's literature and elementary education. 1) English 2) Phycology 3) Health 4) Computers Parchments Mount Aloysius Learning Committee Transcripts 16 credits Around 2011 Penn Foster college attended Transfers. Transcript credits 18 ​ Around 2012 studied at Art Instruction Schools, better known to many as Art Instruction, Inc., is a home study correspondence course providing training in cartooning and illustration. The company is located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Marcel Ray Duriez graduated with 2 diplomas and outstanding merits ​ Parchments Diploma basic of Art studies Diploma Fundamentals of Art Merits from 'The Art Instruction Schools' Remarkable Achievements Lessons 9-14, 18) Remarkable Achievements Lessons 15-22 19) Remarkable Achievements Lessons 23-27 20) Recognition Creative Art Effort 2012 Recognition Creative Art Effort 2016 Charles M. Schulz Achivements Transcripts credits 24 ​ Fundamentals of Art Diploma | marcelrayduriez (wixsite.com) ​ Around 2013 BA Graphic Design Artworks/ Interior Design and Media Arts​ Minor CCD Specialization ​ ​The Art Institute of Pittsburgh BA is now a specialized Artist, with over 15 years of background, a member of Graphic Design Associate Art Institute of Pittsburgh Online, GPA 3.90 ID 1121357018, and Dean's list. Parchments and honor cords Kappa Pi of The Art Institute of Pittsburgh Online Division Marcel Ray Duriez​ National Technical Honor Society: NTHS of The Art Institute of Pittsburgh Online Division Marcel Ray Duriez Deans List around the time of 2013 An accomplished author and illustrator freelance writer and self-editor with around 10 years of experience in composition manufacturing, publishing, and freelancing. Transcripts credits 116 ​ Undergrad Transferred to SNHU 2020, BA Graphic Design and Media Arts / BA Creative Writings, and Minor CCD Specialization. /English / Creative Writing Anticipated 2020 Concentration ​ Production Artist Graphic Designer Computer Artist Corporate Communications Coordinator Assistant Art Directo Room Design ​ Documents/ Photos | marcelrayduriez (wixsite.com) https://tinyurl.com/transcriptmarcel Marcel Ray Duriez | LinkedIn ​ Around 2019 Diplomas each would hold credits of 24 Fundamentals of English Grammar Diploma | marcelrayduriez (wixsite.com) Children's Studies Diploma | marcelrayduriez (wixsite.com) English Language and Literature Diploma | marcelrayduriez (wixsite.com) Educational Psychology Diploma | marcelrayduriez (wixsite.com) Human Health - Health and Human Diplom | marcelrayduriez (wixsite.com) Introduction to Music Theory Certificate | marcelrayduriez (wixsite.com) Introduction to Basic Electrical Drawing | marcelrayduriez (wixsite.com) Advanced Physics 1 Certificate | marcelrayduriez (wixsite.com) 1) Major Historical Importance 5 million words in print, based on local orogens, Self-help, understandings, and the test of trying to go for the USA dream, even if from a small town. It also my commission being a member of Northern Cambria Barnesboro, to implement any quality enriching environment which encourages sovereign, analytical likewise imaginative, artistic reflection increases humane moral furthermore prolific, honest expression, moreover, then my works and achievements encourage- other residents in particular growth of consciousness the perpetual pursuance concerning characteristics during both now and forthcoming dares. Longest musical album of 2,080 songs recorded by Marcel Duriez. The study of past events, particularly in human affairs, is the life I have had and made with my protagonist to show there is hope for the incorrectly interpreted or misunderstood. Duriez is known in this town for being: Marcel Duriez has impinged on these in this borough, to invent an impression, impression, hypothesis, theory, conjecture, opinion, produce an effect, consequence, impression, including impact feelings, emotions, attitudes, sentiments, and beliefs. To infringe, encroach, separate, rebel, and to have an impact, driving hammering force, shock, and meaning or make contact effectively communicate in a more distinguished way, friendly, warm, kind way hitherto forcefully nevertheless, proficiently: to have an impact or affect youthful generations alike to mature. Novelist author- Marcel Ray Duriez is an author/illustrator of all fiction types, and now non-fiction books also- he is a children supporter in helping kids with starting to read, with his: fantasy-mystery-horror-even some sensual romance novels, novellas, and short stories. Novel-writing and artwork it was self- highlighted in an undertaking that has been and will remain to be to create stories, which will engage interest in reading, in a town where their some things temperament is equal to mine, comprehension and expand critical thinking. Duriez- believes that all stories capture’ the many scenes, moments, and expressions throughout the chapters, to help developments. ​ 2) Inspiring Leadership, not taken no for the answer, and to be selfless, that the learning to regulate his fate or someone other than he would have craved the derivation too. He has to strengthen his hopes, and those around him, or someone much different will, adapt some private things there to develop their dreams and his by giving hope. Furthermore, never be the one that is inferior to those that think they are superior over you.' 99 books in less than 10 years, 8 diplomas, and a BA's in the Graphic Arts in General studies, more or less, with heading under creative writing and fiction. At 29 years of age, it's just the brink of things to come. ​ Given an intrinsic- impulse and individual superintendence: Transformational brains obtain motive of inside including the advantage that as the capacity to execute complex choices, likewise painful settlements are a part of being a leader. Transformational managers. Terminate their narcissism: Meanwhile, ordered in a situation regarding stamina, it is straightforward to assign your self-image to arrange the most wholesome concerning yourself. The horrors and past trauma are the straggles to archivists and high thinking dreams to inspire others, who had higher chances than I. ​ ‘'I prefer organized confusion that is what it means to be an artist.’ Viewpoints and protagonist and heroines are nothing more than perspectives like leadership and seeing you within, of vanishing points and comprehending life in a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities, and lines leading back to the viewer to that point of start and end, what do you see? Why do you if you think? Ask why? …For yourself and drawing a new line to make a story and a picture?’’ ​ 3) Community Impact has shown a fellowship influence incorporates an extensive field of capacities – non simply a single setting – such necessity struggle to strive collectively to compose each definite transformation in members’ endurance. Every impression is that civil obligations are not the outcome of a particular condition, but exceedingly likely reveal a combination of statuses. Implementing essential volunteering and skill possibilities for students, to see the forthcoming. ​ 4) Starting a business, Marcel Ray Duriez Marcel Ray Author and Illustrator at Marcel Ray Duriez, I have all my works under my name, Marcel Ray Duriez, and listed on many web searching engines, like Bing, and Goggle, I have done so at this time for over 10 years, I have a published, networking of books, art, and mead's, not only with Northern Cambria but worldly. Details are listed on my website. www.duriez19.wix.com/marcelrayduriez 4a) Result in Significant job growth working towards masters, in education at this time, just newly published works at this time, yet much potential, noted in my other documents, “I want to say I believe in new talents in writing, like the Neveah Saga. We have chatted briefly about his work, and I would say he can go for his dreams. I did. If I must give an opinion, I feel he can do it,” says Lauren Oliver, writer of Rooms and Before I Fall. Lauren Oliver is an American author of numerous young adult novels including Panic; the Delirium trilogy: Delirium, Pandemonium, and Requiem; and Before I Fall, which became a major motion picture in 2017. ​ 4b) Significantly grow an established business, I am humble and think some things need to stay private yet attached to this email are many notes; of growth and devilments. ​ 5) Pioneering Innovation/ first to work and have notable success in a new field, "research/education, industrial/mechanical, entertainment/TV or radio. Everything would be in publishing and press is listed within notes, has shown a fellowship influence incorporates an extensive field of capacities – non simply a single setting – such necessity struggle to strive collectively to compose each definite transformation in members’ endurance. Every impression is that civil obligations are not the outcome of a particular condition, but exceedingly likely reveal a combination of statuses. Implementing essential volunteering and skill possibilities for students, to see the forthcoming. ​ Significantly growing an established business, I am humble and think some things need to stay private, yet attached to this email are many notes. Of growth and at this time, I have published my new findings on Asexuality and have done 99 books and 700 drawings, listed all degrees and achievements have helped young teens with self-help ideas in humanities for children by seeing hope and self-love. Involving new ideas or methods. I have broken the mold on what is novels, I have the first-ever boy-to-girl transgender protagonist within a novel. Also, a look in a child storyline that has needs, and what is the understandings of popularity and stereotypes, art that is free and gives feeling, expressions of exuberance. You can see more about this in the CV document and the synopsizes attached to this email. ​ 6) High School or Tech School Accomplishments/ None to note. ​ Academic lettered in the band for six years. ​ 6a) High School or Tech School Accomplishments/Athletic None. ​ 7) Post-Secondary Achievements College/Technical Institutions-8) See the above.
