Cuddles / book fair by Marcel Ray Duriez

Cuddles book showing at and via
Lovely Ravis
Publishing Consultant
“A book is very much like a child you love. Sending your book to a Book Fair is the best opportunity you can give it.”
Showing at a book fair

May 30 – June 1, 2018.

Combined Book Exhibit: The showcase for books at trade shows and book fairs.
Founded in 1933, this book marketing resource showcases published books internationally at trade shows on behalf of publishers and authors. With its sister company, The American Collective Stand, it also organizes the USA Pavilion at every major international book fair, helping publishers and agents enter new markets easily.

Your book, The Many Adventures of Cuddles: Tobey, Pandora and Cuddles was recommended to us by our Book Scouts and they have validated that your book has the potential. Our goal for your book is to be recognized or acquired by specific decision-makers who have connections and contacts to help you reach out to your target audience to increase returns. Your book is sure to capture a lot of attention in the biggest national book event dedicated to titles like yours and positively we will be able to give them the same impression as we have realized to entice investors for your book.

As a world leader in trade shows across several traditional publishers — BolognaFiere has developed a cutting-edge portfolio of international exhibitions in key North American, Russian, and Asian markets including 8 exhibitions already established in China.
Publishers Weekly: International news platform of the book publishing industry. BolognaFiere S.P.A.: Organizer of 75 exhibits around the world.


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