I would like to take this time to say hello to everybody in the course say hello to the instructor as well as wish everybody a happy new year and welcome to knowing me and I look forward to having discussions with my other classmates and participating of just giving up consideration of acknowledging is everybody's presence.
The argument that I could give about my major and artwork is knowing that in my past I have had to redo work over and over and over until somebody was so satisfied with it that it was no longer my project it was somebody else's and the true meaning of what that piece of artwork was loosed to overdoing and becoming nothing more than a mud mixture and ruining the piece of creation that I spent many hours doing to make somebody else happy. The argument here is I could feel more than happy and contented with something that I have already arranged in complete adequacy.
The argument would be that somebody else's opinion would feel that it would not be. I must be true to my heart and sometimes I have to say I need to cut my losses- and do it my way do not mean that I am trying to be argumentative, it is just I must do what I must do to be content with myself and true to myself. And the best argument that I could give about my major towards art is that as an artist you have to remember that you are the artist, in somebody else's opinion should mean jack-all I have somebody else thanks. In my argument I could say that I have a belligerency I could say I have a bad attitude, then I have to remember I have to be true to myself and nobody else's opinion really matters but my own, that's what makes you passionate driven and a good student, and the argument here and making my major is that at this moment I really don't know if art could even be considered a career for me at this point I'm a little bit more than undetermined with making art my major, I have been given God gifted gifts in many different diverse topics and choosing 1 major at this point to elaborate and express POV 2 would seem a little bit foolish.
The biggest issue that I have about making my major job the location in which I meant at a town of fewer than 11000 people (about the seating capacity of Cameron basketball stadium at Duke University) meaning there are not too many job opportunities available for me even though I made this a major and have graduation now my hometown and where I'm from I like to keep private, I have to make the argument that I should dumb myself down and keep my achievements private so I don't have other people trying to take away a future that I'm striving for and that's the biggest argument that I could give in making my major a job career.
‘My audience will always to be to engage the youth from young to old in any way possible through my creation to give them the vision of what I am trying to pro tray. I really try to stay away from an audience for everybody category but in this essay, I am trying to make this appropriate for anybody that would like to read it, view it, and understand who I am as a person and my achievements that I have made. but honestly I think this would be for anybody that has been under privileged has had any struggles through their education, as somebody telling that they cannot achieve that they need writing help that they are not able or deserving to sit here in a class to be told that they are not good enough, I would say that that is BS, that anybody can write anybody can achieve and do not let somebody else bully you out of your dream. That is the message I would give to anybody that reads this essay.’
The goals which I wish to have been to have somebody understand who I am as a person to understand why I am taking this course why I am here at the university and to have a full understanding of what it is that I do or do not do again your opinion is just an opinion of you understanding what nothing more than opinion. so the goal of having this essay completed would be to make you have a persuade opinion and I am not going to be able to do that I will feel at having the opportunity of persuading you to have a belief where you are not able to think for yourself and that is the first thing that I want you to do as a writer and artist or any other topic in which I have ever done in my life is to let you think for yourself my opinion of persuading you does not really matter. Get smart and think for yourself.
I am the biggest believer in using Google and Bing as a resource as a search engine where you could sit behind a computer and get more of an education than you ever received through high school, I must remember that in 4 years of high school I got 19 credits, I am going to tell you right now that I did 19 credits and less than 16 hours in one day study by cramming I got more credits at the college level and one night than I did of all 4 years of high school.
I believe you can get more education using YouTube than you can be sitting in the American classroom right now, as a high school student in my high school the curriculum was geared to only have a six-grade education for all students if you make the goal, in a second grade understanding in most subjects, to those that were poverty or disadvantaged in segregation understandings of what education could be. Thus, I would say anybody could get an education, sometimes you just must do it in your own time. My argument again would be do not let anybody tell you you are stupid or not able to do this, get an education, get smart and remember that nobody else's opinion matters but your own. and you also could be the next great envy.
The race, color, national origin, ethnicity, or ancestry, including a person’s limited English proficiency or English learner status; and actual or perceived shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics, including membership in a religion that may be perceived to exhibit such characteristics (such as Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, and Sikh individuals)
sex or gender, including pregnancy or parental status; sex stereotypes (such as treating persons differently because they do not conform to sex-role expectations or because they are attracted to or are in relationships with persons of the same sex); and gender identity or transgender status; disability, including those currently without an impairment that substantially limits a major life activity, but who have a record of or are regarded as having a disability; and age.
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