Monday, April 4, 2022

Johnstown flood

Apply key approaches to studying history in addressing critical questions related to historical narratives and perspectives  

I would use approaches to understanding the study in this subject of the Johnstown flood I would ask these questions related to the historical nature of the events by giving perspectives by different types of parties one being children they would wonder what happened in this situation the original dam was made out of earthen clay it busted at being lowered and lack of maintaining the perspective this by a child would be understanding that even uneducated nature of a child would understand that the nature of a dam being made out of earth eventually is going to break it that the people should have known that through the perspective looking at the damn that they were going to be in trouble sometimes eventually down the line, teenagers would get the perspective of understanding the nature of the horrific death and the tragedy in which took half if not all the population of the city people clinging towards the sides of the mountain towards the Johnstown inclined plane another historical landmark within Pennsylvania, the elderly would have grandparents or loved ones that would understand and remember the tragic events which took place on this historical day. The key approach of reminding you of the study of this history is told and re passed down by all Pennsylvanians to remember or want to remember something that was so disastrous.  

Communicate effectively to specific audiences in examining fundamental aspects of human history in a matter of days the entire world damn had failed, the city was warned.  




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